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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Positive Thinking

Lesson of the day, I still remember clearly that once I read an interesting article about a lecturer was teaching in a hall. The story began with the lecturer introduce himself to the class and use an interesting ice breaker joke to break the intense atmosphere. The whole class laugh non stop and he repeated the same joke to the students. This time, some of the students laugh meanwhile some remained silent. For the third time, he repeated the same joke to the class and this time, non of the students was laughing. Soon, the student's began to ask the lecturer, why did you keep on telling the same joke? The same joke won't work for twice. The class remained silent and the lecturer began to question that why people can keep on crying and sad over the same thing / issue that had happened but not keep on laughing over the same joke?

What I wanted to say was we all should learn to be more positive. Instead of thinking how bad people have been treating us, it is better for us to jot down every wonderful and happy moments. We will be more happy and it will be easier for us to handle coming challenges. Life will be great indeed!!